Notice is hereby given that an Extra Ordinary General Meeting (EOGM) of the Company will be held on Monday November 11, 2024 at 11:30 a.m. at its registered office, Allawasaya Square, Vehari Road, Multan, to transact the following business: Ordinary Business
Special BusinessOther BusinessBY ORDER OF THE BOARD Sd/- (MUHAMMAD ISMAIL) COMPANY SECRETARY Multan, October 19, 2024NOTES:
Members are requested to update their details together with Name, Folio, Email Address, Contact Number to the Share Registrar and E-Voting Service Provider of the Company, M/s Hameed Majeed Associates (Pvt.) Limited, H.M. House, 7- Bank Square, Lahore by or before November 4, 2024. In accordance with Regulation No.11 of the Companies (Postal Ballot) Regulations, 2018, the Board of the Company has appointed M/s Yousuf Adil Chartered Accountants, a QCR rated audit firm who will act as the Scrutinizer of the Company for the purpose of observing voting procedures for conducting special business of the company and to undertake responsibilities as defined in Regulation No.11A. PROCEDURE FOR E-VOTINGPROCEDURE FOR VOTING THROUGH BALLOT PAPERSTATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS UNDER SECTION 134(3) OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 2017 REGARDING SPECIAL BUSINESSThis statement sets out the material facts concerning the Special Business to be transacted at the Extra Ordinary General Meeting (“EOGM”) of Allawasaya Textile and Finishing Mills Limited (the “Company”) to be held on Monday, November 11, 2024 at 11:30 a.m. The approval of the members of the Company will be sought for the following: Item No.2 of the AgendaThe Board of Directors have proposed in its meeting held on October 15, 2024 to dispose 58 Kanals 14 Marlas of Company’s Freehold Land situated at Dunya Pur Road, Multan. The sale proceeds / revenue generated would be used, inter alia, for repayment of liabilities of the Company owed to its creditors as well as to fulfill the working capital requirements and upgradation / installation of plant / machinery. This will improve performance of the Company, inter alia, by providing additional liquidity to the Company for utilization of funds towards profitable business activities. ![]() ![]() Purpose of the saleThe purpose of the sale of land is to pay the pressing liabilities and fulfill financial obligations and also to provide liquidity to the company in the form of working capital and upgradation of plant / machinery to operate at optimum level to achieve better results and add value for shareholders. This will reduce finance cost and allow the company to counter the multiple challenges being faced. Details as per SRO 423(I)/2018Special Business relating to members' approval for sale, lease or disposal of the undertaking or sizeable part thereof or sale / disposal of subsidiary that is to be transacted under clause (a) or (b) of sub-section (3) of section 183 of the Act. The material facts required to be disclosed under S.R.O 423 (I) /2018 dated April 3, 2018 when the Board of Directors proposes to sell, lease or otherwise dispose of an 'undertaking' or a 'sizeable part" thereof are given hereunder:Availability of Relevant DocumentsCopies of the documents pertaining to foregoing Special Business are available for inspection at the Registered Office of the Company during normal office working hours from the date of publication of the Notice till the date of the EOGM.Undertaking by the DirectorsThe Board of Directors have carried out necessary due diligence for the proposed transaction.Expected time of completion of the transactionIt is expected that transaction will be completed within one year from the date of passing of Ordinary Resolution(s) at the General Meeting.
EOGM NOTICE (Daily Nawa-i-Waqt) EOGM NOTICE (Daily Business Recorder) Password protected List of shareholders Note: In order to access the List of Shareholders, the member of the Allawasaya Textile and Finishing Mills Limited, is required to send an email at the given email address, , requesting accessibility to the list of shareholders and clearly stating his/her Folio No. /CDC Account No. and CNIC No. in order to enable us to provide him/her password. |