Tag: Textile

Problems faced by Textile industry of Pakistan

Pakistan’s textile industry has faced a number of challenges in recent years, which have impacted its competitiveness and profitability. Some of the main problems faced by the industry are: Overall, the textile industry in Pakistan has faced a number of challenges in recent years, which have impacted its competitiveness...

Textile industry situation in Pakistan

Pakistan has a significant textile industry, which is a key contributor to the country’s economy. The sector accounts for a significant portion of Pakistan’s export earnings and employs a large portion of the country’s labor force. The textile industry in Pakistan includes the production of cotton, wool, silk, and...

300,000 bales of cotton are Mills import despite local supply

Despite stockpiling the new cotton crop, Pakistani mills have placed import orders for 300,000 bales, raising questions about the country’s crop. So far, cotton import orders have been issued for 300,000 bales. Traders say that as cotton consumption increases, so will imports due to shortages in the country. Experts...

گیس کی قلت پر ٹیکسٹائل کے برآمد کنندگان بیرون ملک منتقل ہونے کی دھمکی دیتے ہیں

ٹیکسٹائل کے برآمد کنندگان نے ہفتہ کو دھمکی دی ہے کہ جب تک کراچی میں صنعتی یونٹوں کو گیس کی فراہمی میں کمی کے فیصلے سے دستبرداری کے لئے دباؤ بڑھانے کے اقدام میں بجلی کی قلت حل نہیں کی جاتی تو وہ اپنے پیداواری اڈوں کو بیرون ملک...

IN July-April 2021, Pakistan’s textile and apparel exports increased by 17.35%

In July-April FY 21, Pakistan's textile and apparel Exports of textiles and garments from Pakistan have increased by 17.35 per cent year-on-year in the first ten months of the financial year 2020-21 starting July 1. According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, textile and garment exports in July-April 2019-20...

یو ای ٹی لاہور نے ٹیکسٹائل پائیدار ورکنگ گروپ کا اعلان کیا

محکمہ ٹیکسٹائل انجینئرنگ ، یونیورسٹی آف انجینئرنگ اینڈ ٹکنالوجی (یو ای ٹی) لاہور ، فیصل آباد کیمپس نے ٹیکسٹائل پائیداری ورکنگ گروپ کے افتتاح کا اعلان کیا ہے تاکہ ٹریننگ اور سیمینار منعقد کیے جائیں ، علم کی باقاعدہ شیئرنگ ہو اور توانائی کے تحفظ اور استحکام سے متعلق...

Boom in Pakistan’s Textile Industry

After years of droop, Faisalabad, the hub of fabric manufacturing in Pakistan, is dealing with growing call for and acute hard work shortages as the united states’s fabric region witnesses a revival. Textiles make up greater than half of of Pakistan’s exports, however have lost floor to South Asian...